cpy.pt values security, privacy and freedom.

  • Only accessible via HTTPS
  • Sane default paste expiration - 1 hour

  • Limited maximum paste lifetime - pastes can't live past 30 days

  • Burn after reading - Set a view limit after which the paste will be deleted

  • Delete tokens - receive a token after pasting, allowing you to delete at any time

  • Simple pages - Minimal javascript for convenience with graceful fallbacks, one session cookie used only between requests when posting, no images, no external resources

  • ~Pretty~ - using the awesome pygments library to highlight code. Site themed with monokai - no more eye-piercing white pages

  • Gentle - Stuff goes in, Stuff comes out - retrieve your original paste without mangling - just dont try to upload plain binary

  • Compatible - Dont like fancy browsers? Use whatever, we have a basic API

  • Simple URL - Pastes get assigned a decently short ID composed of alphanumeric characters without possibly misleading ones like iIloO0

  • No indexing - Pastes are unlisted and assigned random IDs.

  • Automatic Lexing - Full lazy mode: defaults to lexer auto-detection - pygments tries to find the best lexer for your input - "60% of the time, it works every time"

  • No Tracking - no third party data exchange, no user identifiable data stored

  • Open Source - Don't trust us? check the source. Still don't trust us? roll your own, its MIT licensed.